Grass-Fed Beef and Pasture-Raised Chicken and Pork Sales
Our 2025 Muddy Ranch Meat Reservations have opened. We have pork and chicken reservations spots available still. All of our beef spots are filled at this time. However, it is encouraged to still fill out a form.
We will accept reservations in order that they are received only through the 2025 MR Meat Reservation Form. Head to our reservation website below for the link to the reservation form. Please contact us, if you have any further questions.
Management Updates
Our current focus on the ranch is around improving water availability on the ranch. Our goal is to maximize the ability for the ecosystem to capture, store, and release water. In order to improve our ecosystem function several projects have been planned for the next decade. These projects were outlined in a 6-year process of creating a Coordinated Resource Management Plan. This was done by inventorying the ranch’s upland and riparian ecological condition. From this inventory we began a planning phase that included industry professionals, federal agency staff, university extension, natural resource staff, and ranch staff. Out of that plan several priorities arose to what is needed in our watershed. The top priority, as we take a top-down restoration approach, is juniper removal. We will continue to removing juniper on a larger scale. We will then work on restoring our creek systems with beaver dam analogues and restoring beaver populations. We will also address fish passage barriers throughout the Muddy Creek drainage. We will continue to use grazing to manage invasive weeds and to restore the upland plan diversity.
Muddy Ranch has a cow herd of 60 mother cows. We use our cow herd and the yearling calves to help restore this ranch. In 2017 Redside Livestock was established with a mission to help Young Life regenerate their rangeland and bring stable cattle numbers each year. Both Muddy Ranch and Redside Livestock have the same long-term vision of seeing a healthier, more abundant landscape.
Since 2013, we've built 102 miles of fence creating 45 pastures and installed over 45 off-stream water developments to help us manage how the cattle graze. Recently we have had the opportunity to fence off many of the lower Muddy Creek and John Day River riparian areas that experience heavy livestock use during late winter calving. We're excited about increasing our bird and wildlife habitat along these waterways.
We feel that the range has responded very well to short periods of intense grazing followed by long periods of rest. Practicing adaptive grazing management and closely planning out our grazing calendar has allowed us to increase our annual AUM's (Animal Unit Month). Each year we continue to grow more forage and reach a regenerative carrying capacity which requires us to constantly assess the number of livestock that live off the ranch.
Natural Grass-Fed Beef
In 2017 we began selling all natural, hormone and antibiotic free grass finished beef. All of our cattle are born on the ranch and raised with their mothers out on the range eating native grasses. After our calves are weaned from their mothers in the fall we hold them in our pasture based weaning facilities to be able to closely monitor their health while they learn to live without their mother. Weaning is a process that must be done for the sake of the cow. If the calf is left on the cow for too long her body condition can become negatively impacted due to the strains of producing milk for too long. Cows need to be in good body condition to grow their next calf and be in healthy flesh for the upcoming cold winter.
The grass finished cattle eat preserved hay during the dormant winter growing season and spend the spring on green range pasture until they reach their harvest weight. In the management of our cattle we work very hard at animal welfare and ensure the highest quality of life for our animals. Low stress cattle handling is always used and individual animals are cared for as needed. We do not use any fed antibiotics and do not use any growth hormones. Occasionally we will use antibiotics to treat calves when they are young due to different illnesses that would be life threatening if not addressed. It is rare for any of our animals to have any antibiotics after the first year of life. If you are interested in antibiotic free cattle please contact us when placing your order and we will do our best to accommodate.
Pasture-Raised Chickens and Pork
We have also started producing pasture raised chicken and pork. Both the pigs and chickens are used to fertilize our fields and help improve the soil health where they forage.
Our pasture raised birds are started in a brooder house here at Muddy Ranch and then raised on pasture where they are moved daily to fresh feed using chicken tractors. A chicken tractor is a low cage that protects the chickens from predators but allows them access to fresh pasture daily through moving the tractor. They are fed non-gmo ration and are never given any antibiotics or growth hormones. The birds have access to a diverse diet of plants and insects that create a nutritious and flavorful eating experience. Daily movement of the birds creates healthier birds and better chickens overall while also improving soil health, regenerating pasture, and give back to the land.
Our pasture raised pork are purchased as weaned pigs from a local farm in Central Oregon. We start our pigs close to our barn during the winter months to provide more shelter as they begin to grow and get through the freezing weather. Once our grass begins to grow in March the pigs are turned out onto pasture and kept in a large area with electric fencing. We continue to feed the pigs a non-gmo grain diet to provide all the nutrition needed to make a great eating experience. Because our pigs have access to pasture, they have the opportunity to graze and forage increasing the diversity of their diet. This provides a healthier life for the pig, compared to confinement, and a more nutrient dense pork for our consumers. Pigs are not given any fed antibiotics and are never given any growth hormones.
Back into Production
We currently farm 175 acres of canyon bottoms cut out by creeks and the John Day River. Our fields are spread out over 10 miles, utilizing water off of two reservoirs and the John Day River. Over the past seven years we have brought 14 fields back into production and have more acreage to bring online in the years to come. We produce alfalfa, orchard grass, and triticale hay which we feed to cows on the ranch as well as sell to neighbors for their livestock needs. We also graze some of our hay fields during the summer and winter. We rotate livestock quickly to help promote grass and soil health by cycling nutrients back into the soil to feed the microbes that create healthy soil and pastures.
Wildlife-Friendly Farming
The main purpose of our farming operation is to improve the wildlife value of our ranch while also generating revenue. Diverse forage mixes in hay fields are used as a great draw for elk, deer, and upland birds. We strive to farm in a wildlife friendly manner by cutting our fields during daylight hours as well as utilizing a flushing bar on our swather to flush birds and fawns away from our cutting edge to reduce accidental wildlife deaths. We also use a no-till drill to limit soil disturbance when rotating between crops. This practice minimizes the amount of bare ground, top soil loss and soil disturbance.